Jiying Li's lab

Aquatic Biogeochem @HKUST

Welcome to our website. We study biogeochemistry in lakes and oceans.

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

We have positions open for PhD students and postdoc!

ORCID iD icon0000-0003-1677-6922

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Jiying Li (黎吉映)
PhD. in Limnology and Oceanography, University of Minnesota (2014)

Assistant Professor,PI
Department of Ocean Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Email: jiyingli@ust.hk
Tel.: +(852) 3469 2934


Yuxuan Lin (林宇軒)
B.S. in Environmental Science, Xiamen University (2021)

MPhil student (2021 - now)
Marine environmental science, HKUST
Email: yuxuan.lin@connect.ust.hk

Yuxuan studies sediment biogeochemistry, focusing on the coupled cycles of carbon, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur. His study sites include sediments from coastal to pelagic ecosystems (mangroves, seagrass beds, lagoons, and coastal and deep seas).

Rixuan Gao (高日旋)
B.S. in Marine Science, Sun Yat-Sen University (2021)

MPhil student (2021 - now)
Marine Environmental Science, HKUST
Email: rgaoah@connect.ust.hk

Rixuan studies how marine heterotrophic bacteria accumulate and metabolize polyphosphate as a nutrient and/or energy reserve,using culture experiments of both pure baterial strains and natural communities harvested from coastal marine waters in Hong Kong.

Xingyu Yang (楊興宇)
MPhil in Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2020)

PhD student (2021 - now)
Marine Environmental Science, HKUST
Email: xyangbb@connect.ust.hk

Xingyu works on the cryptic cycles of polyphosphate (polyP) in aquatic ecosystems, including plankton polyP metabolisms and the roles of polyP on ecosystem-scale P cycling. His approaches include culture experiments and field studies of diverse systems including coastal and pelagic waters around Hong Kong, as well as the oligotrophic North American Great Lakes.

Jing Sun (孫靜)
MPhil. in Environmental Science, Shanghai University (2020)

PhD student (2020 - now)
Marine Environmental Science, HKUST
Email: jsunbk@connect.ust.hk

Jing works on sediment biogeochemistry and the benthic-pelagic coupling of key elements including oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus. She has extensive fieldwork experiences and has survived multiple experditions

Xiaotian Zhou (周筱田)
MPhil in Fishery Resources, Zhejiang Ocean University (2022)

Research Assistant (2022- now)
Email: zhouxiaotian@ust.hk

Xiaotian works on geochemistry of sediments in coastal seas around Hong Kong. Her previous work before joining us focused on environmental organic chemistry, includings distributions and compositions of microplastics in the coastal surface seawaters and algal dissolved organic matter binding behavior with trace metals (e.g., Cu).

Past Members

Lei Zhou :MPhil, Marine Environmental Science (2020- 2022)